Construction of phase two of the happy valley flood control project. The project was administered by the Central Maui and West Maui Soil and water conservation districts in cooperation with the department of public works. Technical assistance provid…

Construction of phase two of the happy valley flood control project. The project was administered by the Central Maui and West Maui Soil and water conservation districts in cooperation with the department of public works. Technical assistance provided by the USDA soil conservation service.

Pictured in header:  A forestry plan for Maui County was reviewed and submitted.  (Maui News photo, March 16, 1974)

The Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Hawai`i (SWCD) have deep roots in our islands. 

Since their establishment in 1948, the SWCDs have worked closely with an extensive network of government partners and agencies, educational institutions, community stakeholders and volunteers and have expanded their reach branching out far beyond the traditional focus on soil and water conservation.

Today, these districts are active in watershed planning and flood prevention, reviewing erosion control plans on agricultural land, controlling non-point source pollution, reforestation, wildlife habitat development and maintenance, community outreach, and conservation education.  Through their dedication and efforts, the SWCDs have left us their positive imprints on the land.

While much progress has been made, there is still more work to be done. As economic and social conditions continue to change in Hawai`i, the people of the state can count on SWCDs keeping a sharp focus on Hawai`i’s precious natural resources.

A West Maui SWCD crew completes work on a scenic lookout at Papanalohoa. Pictured from left: G. Paresa, D. Nobriga, D. (Buddy) Nobriga, James Nobriga (kneeling) and two Olinda Honor Camp workers.

A West Maui SWCD crew completes work on a scenic lookout at Papanalohoa. Pictured from left: G. Paresa, D. Nobriga, D. (Buddy) Nobriga, James Nobriga (kneeling) and two Olinda Honor Camp workers.

Mayor Elmer Cravalho (second from left) reviews a “Five-Island Soil Survey Report” compiled by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Maui County. Report was presented to him by SWCD representatives (from left): Bob Delzell, David (Buddy) Nobr…

Mayor Elmer Cravalho (second from left) reviews a “Five-Island Soil Survey Report” compiled by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Maui County. Report was presented to him by SWCD representatives (from left): Bob Delzell, David (Buddy) Nobriga and Joe Swezey. At that time, Hawaii was the first, and only, state in the nation to have completed a statewide soil survey.   (Maui News photo, November 6, 1973)

History of SWCD in Hawai`i

This video chronicles the history of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Hawai`i – a true teamwork in conservation.