Federal Partners
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRCS is the main technical assistance provider for the 16 SWCDs in Hawai`i. District planners work out of NRCS Field Offices and all of our conservation plans are done according to NRCS standards. Natural Resources Conservation Service (usda.gov)
USDA Farm Service Agency
FSA administers and manages farm commodity, credit, conservation, disaster and loan programs. Hawai`i farmers produce a variety of agricultural commodities, and the Hawai`i FSA strives to serve our unique agricultural communities with farm programs and low-interest loans. Hawaii & Pacific Basin State Office (usda.gov)
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA strives to protect human health and the environment nationwide. In Hawai`i, EPA develops and enforces regulations, provides financial assistance for environmental programs, sponsors volunteers, and expands the community’s knowledge of the environment through education and research. US EPA (epa.gov)
USDA Rural Development
RD seeks to meet the needs of our diverse rural population by delivering Rural Development programs and services in housing, rural utilities, and business coops. Rural Development (usda.gov)
State of Hawai`i Partners
Department of Land & Natural Resources
As a sub-entity of the State, HACD falls under the State of Hawai`i DLNR. DLNR has a wide range of responsibilities, ranging from land management and permitting to historic preservation and natural resources conservation. Department of Land and Natural Resources (hawaii.gov)
Department of Health – Clean Water Branch
The State of Hawai`i DOH aims to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawai`i. Its Clean Water Branch focuses on keeping our inland and coastal waters healthy, and directs the Polluted Runoff Control Program, which administers grant money from EPA through Section 319(h) of the Federal Clean Water Act to address polluted runoff throughout the State. Clean Water Branch (hawaii.gov)
University of Hawai`i Cooperative Extension Service
UH Extension Service provides science-based information in agriculture, natural resources and human resources. Its Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center provides insect identification and disease diagnosis; soil, plant, water and feed analysis; and seed sales of cultivars of vegetables and papayas developed by the College. Cooperative Extension Service (hawaii.edu)
Coastal Zone Management Program
The Hawai`i CZM Program partners several environmental programs in Hawai`i to promote a sustainable coastal environment by building upon our heritage and inspiring island stewardship. State CZM Program (hawaii.gov)
County Partners
County of Maui
Maui County encompasses the islands of Maui, Moloka`i, Lana`i and Kaho`olawe. The County has offered financial and in-kind support for the Maui SWCDs over many years. Maui County (mauicounty.gov)
City & County of Honolulu
The City & County of Honolulu offers a variety of services to the citizens of O`ahu. Over the past 2 years, the City has helped fund two O`ahu SWCDs planners through the O`ahu RC & D. Honolulu County (honolulu.gov)
County of Kaua`i
Kaua`i County serves the transportation, safety, environmental and developmental needs of Kaua`i citizens. The County has been actively supporting East & West Kaua`i SWCDs activities for many years. Kauai County (kauai.gov)
County of Hawai`i
In addition to the many services it offers, Hawai‘i County is a long standing supporter of the Hawai`i Island SWCDs. Hawaii County (hawaiicounty.gov)
Non-Profit Partners
Hawai`i Farm Bureau Federation
The Hawai`i Farm Bureau is a non-profit organization that promotes local farming by analyzing issues and formulating actions to ensure the future of Hawai`i agriculture. Issues include taxes, land use, water, legislative activity and marketing. All agricultural producers are strongly encouraged to join. Hawaii Farm Bureau (hfbf.org)