There are 16 Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) in the State of Hawai`i. The SWCDs of Hawai`i are legally constituted, self-governing under Hawai`i Soil & Water Conservation District Law, Chapter 180, Hawai`i Revised Statutes, organized for the protection and conservation of soil and water resources in the interest of health, safety, general welfare of people of this region.

The Kula Stormwater Reclamation Study is helping to evaluate and prepare alternatives for capturing and storing stormwater for use by agricultural producers to alleviate drought impacts in the Kula region.

The Kula Stormwater Reclamation Study is helping to evaluate and prepare alternatives for capturing and storing stormwater for use by agricultural producers to alleviate drought impacts in the Kula region.

The Maui County consists of five SWCDs – Central Maui, Hana, Olinda-Kula, West Maui and Moloka`i-Lana`i. Our purpose is to conduct soil and water conservation activities within our respective boundaries on the islands of Maui, Moloka`i, Lana`i and Kaho`olawe. We also assist in environmental education of the general public through school programs and other methods of recognition of conservation-minded citizens.

In partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), we are poised to meeting the needs of local agricultural producers and the community through conservation planning, and technical assistance with Best Management Practices or conservation practices.  In some instances, an agricultural producer with an approved conservation plan may be eligible to receive financial assistance through the USDA-NRCS Farm Bill to implement the conservation practices identified on their conservation plan.   

SWCD Board of Directors are unpaid volunteers – dedicated citizens who welcome community input toward identifying natural resource problems. Our programs are community-based and are a collaborative effort of all our Partners. We extend a big mahalo to all the County, State and Federal agencies; and the many community stakeholders who continue to make these programs possible. It is truly a gift to the environment that will have far-reaching effects now and in the future of our islands.

What we do

SWCDs work with agricultural producers to develop conservation plans in an effort to minimize negative impacts of agriculture on natural resources. We are a non-regulatory group and our cooperators works with us voluntarily. We frequently participate in a number of community outreach projects. Many of our projects focus on bringing attention to conservation and agriculture issues to a broader audience, including school-aged children.


Special Projects

West Maui SWCD's Wahikuli-Honokowai Agricultural Road Drainage Improvement Project aims to improve coastal water quality and coral ecosystem function and health by reducing land-based pollution. 

West Maui SWCD's Wahikuli-Honokowai Agricultural Road Drainage Improvement Project aims to improve coastal water quality and coral ecosystem function and health by reducing land-based pollution. 

The SWCD is also active in a wide variety of related areas, including:

 To learn more about what we do, please contact us.


  • General technical assistance

  • Creating conservation plans

  • Habitat restoration and enhancement

  • Livestock and nutrient management

  • Soil, forest, and rangeland health

  • Natural disaster preparedness and recovery

  • Stormwater management

  • Environmental education

  • Urban agriculture